Thursday, September 29, 2016

Aphasia: I am life by Perry

Aphasia can have the scenarios.

Aphasia:  Do I is restaurant? 

I can’t process 2 or more words in the situation (I am aphasia.)

The waitress lady said “(A) pizza, (B) hot dog, and (C) chicken hamburger…”.  I am talked “pizza, not pizza. No. no. no.”  The list is confusing. (I am aphasia.)  I talked “I need water and hot dog…” I do not want hot dog. The wait is still minutes.  I am confused.  I wanted chicken hamburger and do not say.  

It is tough, and lists were confusing, and I speaking with waitress.

Waitress ask “Mustard? Vinegar? …Honey mustard?” I said “I want mustard.” – no.  I did not say “I want vinegar” --- yes.  (I want vinegar.)  The list is confusing. (I am aphasia.)

Aphasia:  Directions?

I can no speech, and I can tell daughters to have the patience.   When twin daughters were 11-12 years old, I said directions in the car: “Right. Right. Not left.” I can’t speak directions, but I follow directions in my car.  I follow directions!! And my speaking is not telling of abilities.

Aphasia:  Haircut?

I go to the haircut. I want cut hair: The back haircut is back full straight.  I can’t speak.  The haircut is not properly haircut. 

Aphasia:  The police saw I speedway drive? 

            I am not drunk – speak is aphasia. I take wallet, and I pick aphasia cards. I show policeperson.  The numbers: 1. I have aphasia. 2. My intelligence is intact. The police man wrote ticket my drive. 

Aphasia:  Home repairs and credit card

            I surf webpages. I am scared, and do not call!!  Taylor or Delaney calls service, and I ask her to call service. The daughters are college, and messages services phone numbers.

I have problems with credit card. I ask Taylor is calls about problems with credit card, and problems of month credit card bill.
Aphasia: Vote

My polling location in Loudoun Virginia.  I give Picture ID driver’s license.  You pronounce name --- pronounce name is hard.  Next time, I can pronounce name.  I not tell street numbers of home.  I can’t speak in numbers -- living home address and cost and mile and phone and etc.  

Aphasia: Bills

I pay car financial services -- $428.71 – I can’t write four hundred and twenty.  I pay a $500.00 check. 


I do try speech, and …. Slow … brain … mouth (I use brain (first), and (second) speech words. I am aphasia, problem when room is noisy).  The speech therapists are saying me, and “Brain. Brain. S-l-o-w. I is slow”!! I am waiting long years…. next patience!!

Definitely:  I am speech aphasia!!

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Happy birthday to me! by Pat

Today is my birthday this August 23rd and I would like to say Thank You! We were talking at the Stroke Comeback Center. I have been going there for 4 years. Over years I have gotten better with speaking, listening, reading and writing. I think about that a lot. And I needed to tell you that my family, friends and all of my extended family in New Jersey. You are the ones that make me keep going. (And if you all don't know, my wife, PATTY, saved my life!!!)
For me every day is the movie, "Forest Gump". Life is like a box of chocolates... You never know what you're going to get. But every day I wake up and I am excited that I am alive! I got hurt in the war 9 years ago. I have big TBI, aphasia and post-traumatic epilepsy. My aphasia has gotten better and I haven't had a seizure in 4 years. The brain is there. It will help me, you too, get better every day. Here's looking at you!!!
My body is getting old but inside I am getting young...

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Aphasia Friendly Phone Apps by Christie

Aphasia is hard but you deal with it as best as you can.  I have found some apps that have helped me deal with this problem.

One is my iPhone that speaks to me.  It's on Settings/General/Accessibility/Speech/Speak Selection/On.  You can adjust the speaking rate, voices and highlight content.  I use it for emails, composing emails, messaging and websites.  It's being able to be independent without having to ask for help with words or even a first sound.

Another app is Speak it! There is a microphone as part of Apple. This is for individual words that I cannot pronounce or a word that I can write but can not say.  You speak it and you can hear it over and over again.  I also use it as practice.

I also use OverDrive and Audible for reading.  OverDrive is a part of the Fairfax library on-line.  You can checkout books and audiobooks for free.  It's a great way to checkout books with out having to pay for it.  Free is always better!  I also use Audible for a subscription of $14.95 a month and you get an audiobook for free.  You also save 30% on all audiobooks purchased after you purchase that one and you can also listen to a free audio subscription to The New York Times or The Wall Street Journal.  You get emails about savings for example buy one and get one for free offers. 

The apps make it easier to simplify your life.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

… page is turned. Next chapter …. College!! by Perry

I am backstop ballgame, I am daughters’ support (Daughter at plate herself.)
I am aphasia --- my 2 daughters keep reminding.   I am here and listening!!  I am quiet and patience.  2 daughters are rushing sororities, and I not am okay.   I not am sorority rush, and Taylor says wait and see.   Patience! Patience! Patience!   The 2 daughters are time and patience.
I can speak on the phone and use messaging.  1 daughter has 4-person dorm (1 room per person), and 1 roommate person is good. (I am surprised!!) 1 daughter is University South Carolina, and hot weather!! 
And 1 daughter is James Madison University.  My daughter Delaney is lonely, homesick on messenger.  Her roommate is friendly. (I am surprised!!)  The bath is shared bath.  The dorm is not air conditioned.  The football field is across the street.  Patience!! I can be patient!!
I am listening, and the daughters call me!! 
I am surprised, and 2 daughters can be in college!!