Thursday, March 17, 2016

Am I lucky or un-lucky? by Perry

Lucky – stroke/aphasia.  I am lucky.  I could be dead after stroke, and paramedics did CPR.  I have a family (mom and dad {dec 2015 dead} and 2 sisters) and 2 twin-daughters.  I have dog Koda. 

Unlucky – I was at Northrop Grumman computer science – unlucky work.  I had friends, co-workers, and boss – unlucky friends.  I had marriage --  divorce (2 years).  I had car break down (1 year), and traffic workers called car-towing.

Make lucky or un-lucky?  I am lucky!!


  1. Perry - We are very lucky for you! And you have made great progress in your recovery! Love - Your sister, Suzanne

  2. We are LUCKY to have you as a brother! Your other sister, Stephanie
