Thursday, September 29, 2016

Aphasia: I am life by Perry

Aphasia can have the scenarios.

Aphasia:  Do I is restaurant? 

I can’t process 2 or more words in the situation (I am aphasia.)

The waitress lady said “(A) pizza, (B) hot dog, and (C) chicken hamburger…”.  I am talked “pizza, not pizza. No. no. no.”  The list is confusing. (I am aphasia.)  I talked “I need water and hot dog…” I do not want hot dog. The wait is still minutes.  I am confused.  I wanted chicken hamburger and do not say.  

It is tough, and lists were confusing, and I speaking with waitress.

Waitress ask “Mustard? Vinegar? …Honey mustard?” I said “I want mustard.” – no.  I did not say “I want vinegar” --- yes.  (I want vinegar.)  The list is confusing. (I am aphasia.)

Aphasia:  Directions?

I can no speech, and I can tell daughters to have the patience.   When twin daughters were 11-12 years old, I said directions in the car: “Right. Right. Not left.” I can’t speak directions, but I follow directions in my car.  I follow directions!! And my speaking is not telling of abilities.

Aphasia:  Haircut?

I go to the haircut. I want cut hair: The back haircut is back full straight.  I can’t speak.  The haircut is not properly haircut. 

Aphasia:  The police saw I speedway drive? 

            I am not drunk – speak is aphasia. I take wallet, and I pick aphasia cards. I show policeperson.  The numbers: 1. I have aphasia. 2. My intelligence is intact. The police man wrote ticket my drive. 

Aphasia:  Home repairs and credit card

            I surf webpages. I am scared, and do not call!!  Taylor or Delaney calls service, and I ask her to call service. The daughters are college, and messages services phone numbers.

I have problems with credit card. I ask Taylor is calls about problems with credit card, and problems of month credit card bill.
Aphasia: Vote

My polling location in Loudoun Virginia.  I give Picture ID driver’s license.  You pronounce name --- pronounce name is hard.  Next time, I can pronounce name.  I not tell street numbers of home.  I can’t speak in numbers -- living home address and cost and mile and phone and etc.  

Aphasia: Bills

I pay car financial services -- $428.71 – I can’t write four hundred and twenty.  I pay a $500.00 check. 


I do try speech, and …. Slow … brain … mouth (I use brain (first), and (second) speech words. I am aphasia, problem when room is noisy).  The speech therapists are saying me, and “Brain. Brain. S-l-o-w. I is slow”!! I am waiting long years…. next patience!!

Definitely:  I am speech aphasia!!

1 comment:

  1. So brave of you to share - thank you! A few years ago I couldn't say my own name, now I'm so much better!
